The Importance of Breaks: Visual inspiration from the Rebecca Haas Jewelry Studio garden

July 31, 2017

The Importance of Breaks: Visual inspiration from the Rebecca Haas Jewelry Studio garden
Rebecca Haas Studio - Cute Pea Shoots
Rebecca Haas Studio - Rainbow kale
Rebecca Haas Studio Roof - Journal

Just steps away from the working heart of the studio you'll find my vegetable garden. Every year it is a much loved place to take a quick break. A chance to look up from the fine detail work and focus on the surrounding rolling hills, as well as get a breath of fresh air, some sunshine, and usually some mosquito bites. I find these brief breaks from work are essential to both my productiveness in the studio, and and staving off work burn out. I love my work, but breaks are important, both for my happiness, and my productivity. And there is nothing more relaxing and simply rewarding than quietly pulling weeds and planting seeds. 

Rebecca Haas Studio Broccoli Rebecca Haas Studio - SproutsRebecca Haas Studio - Squash Leaves
Rebecca Haas Home Studio - Journal


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